GPSurvival fully supports the Junior Doctors’ latest industrial action.
This week BMA has announced another round of Industrial Action by Junior Doctors to commence on September 12th.

The latest round of action has been triggered by a rejection of the contract amendments that were put to the junior doctors of the BMA in a democratic vote on 5th July.
GP Survival has always seen this in clear terms; as long as the Secretary of State continues to insist on the empty rhetoric of a ‘Seven Day NHS’  and a ‘cost neutral envelope’ to achieve this, then his plans will be unworkable. You simply cannot stretch five days’ worth of care across seven without a significant investment.
The contract dispute has become more than just a wrangling over small-print details that affect the finer details of Juniors’ working conditions. 

It has become a line in the sand for the whole NHS.
We urge the government to drop their manifesto pledge of a ‘Seven day NHS’ which is uncosted, untrialled and unnecessary, with immediate effect.

As everyone outside the Whitehall bubble acknowledges, we already have an NHS which offers excellent care during evenings and weekends.  

An NHS which is fit-for-purpose for the whole week.
We feel sure that if this single conciliatory climb-down was made, then both parties would be able (and willing) to resume negotiations for the good of the NHS, and for the good of our patients.

The government can stop this dispute at any time, and any misery that it may cause, by rapidly coming to its senses by dropping the imposition of an unworkable contract.