​I am a GP.

I am exhausted and stressed.

I work 8-8 already sometimes longer tbh.

I do not have 3 hour lunch breaks , indeed I often eat at my desk.

I often don’t have time to talk to my work partners as we are all so busy.

I only send the sick and the needy into hospital when all else fails in the community.

Funding for social care locally is being cut.

Funding for GP is at an all time low.

We struggled to recruit and we are not alone.

Doctors are leaving the NHS in droves.

I am passionate about general practice but feel totally worn down by the lack of funding and increased demand on primary care, when there simply is not enough money invested in it and the expectations of the general public are so high.

The perception that GP’s earn tons of money is utter rubbish. What other profession has to publish their earnings????? None.

The nanny state created by Labour was bad enough but now the totally annihilation of primary care in the press by Teresa May and the seemingly obvious drive by the Tories towards private healthcare make me despair.

The ambivalence of the public as to what is a systematic destruction of  General Practice and the NHS is indeed worrying.

Seeing the newspapers today makes me want to leave this country.

I have amazing work colleagues and we have amazing staff that come in day in and day out and are working under very stressful conditions that are often made worse by the expectations of what we can do, with less and less funding.

I am not sure how long I can tolerate this for before my mental health crumbles and I have to leave.

There are many stories of colleagues resigning.

I don’t blame them at all and indeed am envious.

Today is a sad day for GP.

Appreciate your GP as you will not have them for much longer in this Tory political timeframe.

Written by Dr Siobhan Brennan

Member of GPSurvival