The 12 Laws of negotiating according to Peter Holden

Holden’s Law No. 1

Look at the BOTTOM (profit) line not the top (turnover) line and LEARN TO SAY NO (and make your partners mean it!)

Holden’s Law No. 2

Stop/Avoid being busy fools and avoid the herd mentality trap.

Holden’s Law No. 3

Demonstrate why any action is of benefit to me (or my practice)

Holden’s Law No. 4

A GPs job is to deliver on the contract as negotiated; It is the Secretary of State’s responsibility to provide a (National) Health Service NOT YOURS!

Holden’s Law No. 5

Every proposition must stand on its own feet economically without cross subsidy from other activity. All transactions are strictly “cash on the nail”

Holden’s Law No. 6

Appeals to my professionalism/suggestions that “Your patients will suffer” are the arguments of the morally bankrupt employing emotional blackmail and will not be entertained.

Holden’s Law No. 7

The fact that you have no budget and nor does anyone else, does not make your problem my problem. You can’t go to the supermarket without your purse; General Practice is not a free goods with ever-elastic capacity.

Holden’s Law No. 8

Neither me, my staff, my practice, nor my family are a charity. I am pleased to work for charities of my choice at times of my choosing but, unfortunately, the NHS is not and never will be a charity of my choice

Holden’s Law No. 9

Suggestions that me/my practice’s stance is out of line with others on any particular issue will always provoke a demand for a list of those practices which have taken on such issues together with details of any funding that they may have received directly or indirectly for such acquiescence.

Holden’s Law No. 10

Know the existing rules and obligations upon GPs. Have an understanding about how they came about. Do NOT bulls*it.

Holden’s Law No. 11

On technical issues, always send an expert or have expert help available and NEVER send an “enthusiast” unaccompanied

Holden’s Law No. 12

Semper suivus in excretam sed alta variat Amen.

Translation – “Truly, we are in the s*it, but the depth varies”

Written by Dr Peter Holden.
GPC negotiator 1999-2014.